Philipe mckenzie   mistashipu la grande rivi%c3%a8re front


McKenzie, Philippe - Mistashipu - La Grande Rivière - Great River

Format: LP
Label: Boot SQN 103
Year: 1983
Origin: Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam, Québec
Genre: folk, First Nations, rock
Keyword:  Montagnais tribe
Value of Original Title: $100.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Quebec, 1980's, Indigenous Canada, Folk, MOCM Top 1000 Canadian Albums


Side 1

Track Name
Tanite mack tshe tiack (Fais ce que doit - One Must)
Neka (Ma mère - My Mother)
Mistashipu (La grande rivière - Great River)
Nte ntepen ni mamituneniten (Méditation - Meditation)
Epame nuentan (Si le coeur vous en dit - If It Pleases)

Side 2

Track Name
Innu (L'indien - The Elder)
Nemoshon (Le sage - The Elder)
Nuitsheuaken (Mon ami le chasseur - My Friend The Hunter)
Ka papeikupesh (Le solitaire - Lonely)
Nuitsheon (L'amitié - Friendship)
Esh paktichuck (Un jour viendra - The Day Approaches)


Philipe mckenzie   mistashipu la grande rivi%c3%a8re back

Philipe McKenzie - Mistashipu La Grande Rivière BACK

Philipe mckenzie   mistashipu la grande rivi%c3%a8re front

Mistashipu - La Grande Rivière - Great River


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