Willie dunn who were the ones side 01 %28cbc radio canada e 798%29


Dunn, Willie - Who Were The Ones? Parts 7-8

Format: LP
Label: CBC Radio Canada E-798
Year: 1972
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: folk, First Nations
Keyword:  First Nations, Sioux, Mohawk, Metis, Sitting Bull, Poundmaker
Value of Original Title: $250.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  http://citizenfreak.com/playlists/256-willie-dunn?photos_page=4
Playlist: Spoken Word Educational, Canadian Pioneers, Famous Canadians, CBC Northern Service and Related Recordings, Indigenous Canada


Side 1

Track Name
The Little Big Horn

Side 2

Track Name
Collection Blues



Willie Dunn - Who Were The Ones?

Willie dunn who were the ones side 01 %28cbc radio canada e 798%29

Who Were The Ones? Parts 7-8


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Willie Dunn was born on the Restigouche Reserve in Quebec in 1941 and he was a Canadian music pioneer. Presented here is part of a thirteen part series, one of Willie's earlier recordings on the CBC Radio Canada Transcription series "Who Were The Ones", Indian Stories and ballads written and sung by Willie Dunn. These recordings came after his famous recording of Canada's first music video, "Ballad of Crowfoot" which was released by the National Film Board and sponsored by the Department of Education in Ottawa in 1968. That video went on to win seven international awards.

After these early recordings of "Who Were the Ones", he and Ann Mortifee composed the music for the play "The Ecstacy of Rita Joe", which appeared on CBC Radio Canada Trancsription series E-849 in 1973 and with Chief Dan George and Paul Horn on United Artists/ Kerygma Records. He appeared in the play when it first premiered at the Vancouver Playhouse on November 23, 1967.
-Robert Williston


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