Cliché Hot is the first studio album by Canadian hip hop group Radio Radio. The song "Jacuzzi" is included in the ice hockey video game NHL 2K11.
A fine antidote: Radio Radio (, the Great White North's answer to the Beastie Boys, which means they were spry and, above all, melodic. They could also do an irresistible song about Kenny G. (I kid you not).
Ken Richardson, Sound + Vision
Perhaps the most surprising band of the night, Nova Scotia’s Radio Radio tore apart the stage with their insanely elaborate and energetic French-English rap. Nominated for their album Belmundo Regal, the trio has a presence and uniqueness that transcends the stage with a true Friday night feel.
Sheena Lyonnais,, September 21st 2010
On dit que Belmundo Regal est un album hip-hop. Oui, mais c'est plus que ça. Ce sont des chansons et des musiques jaillies d'un enchevêtrement époustouflant de mots, de sons, de sens, de langues, d'humour, de sensualité enfermées dans un kaléidoscope d'images et de pure joie musicale.Un album truffé d'effets big band, de reflets dance, de beats charnels qui disparaissent aussi vite qu'ils surgissent et qui nous laissent les oreilles sur un qui-vive, comme quand on est en manque. More, more, more.
Rino Morin Rossignol, 31 mars 2010, L'Acadie Nouvelle
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