Allan wellman me and my trumpet front


Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

Format: LP
Label: Paragon ALS 187
Year: 196
Origin: Halifax, Nova Scotia - Montréal, Québec - Granby, Ontario
Genre: jazz
Value of Original Title: $60.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Beautiful Black Canadians, Jazz, Quebec, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
Ya D'la Joi
Doodles Blues
I Lost My Heart
Junior's Blues
Al's Bounce

Side 2

Track Name
Quit It
Royal Theme
Je T'aime Noela
My M.D. And I
We've Flipped Our Lids


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Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

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Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

R 8270102 1458342862 3468

Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

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Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

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Wellman, Allan - Me and My Trumpet

Allan wellman me and my trumpet front

Me and My Trumpet


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