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Luba (Lubomira Kowalchyk (Любомира Ковальчук)) - Between The Earth & Sky

Format: LP
Label: Capitol ST-12472
Year: 1986
Origin: Montréal, Québec
Genre: rock, pop
Value of Original Title: $5.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No


Side 1

Track Name
Strength In Numbers
How Many
What You Believe
Even In The Darkest Moments
Back To Emotion

Side 2

Track Name
Act Of Mercy
Innocent (With An Explanation)
Take It Like A Woman
Lay Down Your Love
Between The Earth And Sky


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Luba - Between The Earth & Sky

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Luba - Between The Earth & Sky

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Luba - Between The Earth & Sky

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Between The Earth & Sky


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Between The Earth & Sky is a follow-up release to the breakout album Secrets And Sins by Canadian singer, Luba and band. A powerful and emotional album which helped her win a second Juno Award for "Female Vocalist of the Year." It was also her first album to go platinum in Canada. Various musical artists appear on Between The Earth & Sky, including a saxophone solo by jazz musician Kenny G on the hit single "How Many" (produced by Narada Michael Walden). Other popular singles on the album include "Strength In Numbers," "Act Of Mercy" and "Innocent (With An Explanation)."

Luba: vocals
Alain Couture: guitars, vocals
Mark Lyman: guitars
Michael Bell: bass
Peter Marunzak: drums, drum programming & noise


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