Jackson hawke forever front


Jackson Hawke - Forever

Format: LP
Label: Columbia PES 90375
Year: 1976
Origin: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock
Value of Original Title: $15.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, Canadiana, Rock Room


Side 1

Track Name
Into the Mystic
She's Gonna Get Away
Brazil Nut
Ain't No Cowboys

Side 2

Track Name
You Can't Dance
The Nightmusic
She's the One
No Sad Songs (Live)


Jackson hawke forever back

Jackson Hawke-Forever BACK

Jackson hawke forever front



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I really liked the single “You Can’t Dance” (the original and better version not all England Danned and John Ford Coleyed up). I bought the album for that song and was pleasantly surprised with the rest of the album. The track “Ain’t No Cowboys” should be mandatory playing on Canada Day.

Tim Ryan: acoustic guitar, vocals
Bob Yeomans: electric guitar, acoustic guitar, vocals
Don V. Lorusso: 12 string acoustic guitar
Gene Falbo: bass, vocals
Matthew McCauley: piano, synthesizer
Jacek Sobbota: piano
Larrie Londin: drums, percussion
Jorn Andersen: drums
Chris Castle: drums

Produced by Bob Gallo
Engineered by Rick Capreol
Assistant engineers; Gary Gray and John Naslen
Recorded at Manta Sound Studios, Toronto, Ontario
Mastered at Customatrix


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