David campbell through the eyes of a child front


Campbell, David - Through the Eyes of a Child

Format: LP
Label: Noona Music DC 008, Columbia CSPS 1759
Year: 1981
Origin: Pomeroon, Guyana - Vancouver, British Columbia
Genre: Childrens
Keyword:  First Nations, television, Mr Dressup
Value of Original Title: $60.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No


Side 1

Track Name
Through the Eyes of a Child
The Banana Blues
Ride Your Little Donkey
Creatures Bigger Than You
Old What's His Name
One Wish

Side 2

Track Name
Your Alphabet
Our Tree House
All the Ones That They Call Lowly
Waitin' in the Doctor's Office
Nobody Asks Me
One, Two, Three
You Can't Judge a Book


David campbell through the eyes of a child back

David Campbell-Through The Eyes of a Child BACK

David campbell through the eyes of a child front

Through the Eyes of a Child



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