Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' front


Brodie, Mark - Shreddin' And Surfin'

Format: CD
Label: Shredder SH-31 (USA)
Year: 1995
Origin: Vancouver, British Columbia, 🇨🇦
Genre: surf, rock
Value of Original Title: $15.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Rock Room, Surfing the 49th Parallel, 1990's, British Columbia


Track Name
Frogs Can't Surf
Bitch Stole My Board
Death at Mile Zero
Day the Surf Stood Still
Spin Cycle
Banzai Rider
Scarlett O'hara
Theme From the Old West
Bad Hair Day
Suicide Ride
Phantom Wave
The Shores of Hell


Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' back

CD-Mark Brodie - Shreddin' And Surfin' BACK

Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' inlay

CD-Mark Brodie - Shreddin' And Surfin' INLAY

Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' inlay inside

CD-Mark Brodie - Shreddin' And Surfin' INLAY INSIDE

Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' inside

CD-Mark Brodie - Shreddin' And Surfin' INSIDE

Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' cd

CD-Mark Brodie - Shreddin' And Surfin' CD

Cd mark brodie   shreddin' and surfin' front

Shreddin' And Surfin'


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The Shores of Hell

Surf’s up!
All of these new & exciting hip sounds have been created with musical instruments rather than electronic gimmicks!

Here comes Mark Brodie & the Beaver Patrol - Canada’s most popular surfin’ combo!

Mark Brodie: guitar
Ralph Johnston: bass
Ed Frey: drums

All songs written by Mark Brodie, except “Jezebel” by Brown/Mason, “Scratch” by Edwards/Noles, and “Scarlett O’Hara” by Harris/Mehan
Produced by Mark Brodie
Engineered by Michelle Garuik and Len Osanic
Recorded at Fiasco Bros. Studio, New Westminister, British Columbia

Cover art by Dan Zachary
Designed and built by John Yates at Stealworks

Thanks to Mel Shredder, Melissa Keith (The Hungry Eye), Wayne Zambik, Marg and Lisa Rector, The Surfdusters (especially Rich), Neil MacLeod, Waterville, Sean Sommerville, Christine Moon, Kevin Gubbe, and Bob Dalley

This record has been designed and constructed in accordance with standards developed by Stealworks, an organization dedicated to the betterment of recorded music packaging and creative design.

High Fidelity Stereophonic Audio


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