Cd suzanne gitzi   dressed in black front


Gitzi, Suzanne - Dressed in Black

Format: CD
Label: Tomcat Records TCCD 96302
Year: 1996
Origin: North Vancouver, British Columbia, 🇨🇦
Genre: country, rock, aor
Value of Original Title: $20.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Rock Room, 1990's, Canadian Women in Song, British Columbia


Track Name
Billy Walker
Judge and Jury
Two Sides of The Same Coin (You're Bleeding Me Dry)
Water to Wine
Heartbreak Avenue
All Dressed Up in Black
She's Going Dancing Tonight
Love Like That
Mis Orportunity Walks


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CD-Suzanne Gitzi - Dressed in Black BACK

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CD-Suzanne Gitzi - Dressed in Black INLAY

Cd suzanne gitzi   dressed in black cd

CD-Suzanne Gitzi - Dressed in Black CD

Cd suzanne gitzi   dressed in black front

Dressed in Black


No Video


I am proud to have the following incredible people involved in my life and my career:

Doug Bennett and Paul Wiglins – for your faith, wisdom, and direction. Thanks for the songs that have become a part of me. And Paul, for your incredible energy, hard work, and belief in me (cut down on the coffee… you’re perky enough!)

The Tomcats – Erin Madill, Eric Sanshyn, Stuart Wong, and Jackie Doucet, who work so diligently every day to keep us going.

The Crew – Jack Dressler and Brian McVey for helping the show go on and looking after us on the road.

Danny Latham – my musical director on the road, whose wacky sense of humor keeps us entertained for hours.

All the musicians – both in the studio and on the road. Bringing the songs to life, and I couldn’t do it without you.

Colin Nairne, Al Rodger, and Simon Kendall – for believing in me, pushing me to the edge to get the best from me, and for the guidance, inspiration, and confidence.

Special thanks to: Shirley Nanek, Jeff and Rhea and the Bennett girls, EMI, Shane & Devon, the BCCMA, Donna Martens and the CCMA, Cheryl Homan, Jack Philpott, Larry Delaney, Jim Brown, M.J. MacLennan, Lorraine Wilson, Wade of Creation Studios, Gill Borts, Brent Nace, Rob Wainhouse, K.T. Feldman & Associates, Mike Nelson, Rick Young – Today’s Country, Insight & Sound Productions, Vicki Walker (our contest winner), Star Entertainment, radio programmers throughout Canada who play my music, Mom, Dad, Gisele, Gerry & Rob for your undying support and encouragement, my grandmother (Memere) for your prayers and love, Lorne for understanding, believing, and for loving me enough to set me free – I love you always.

And, as always, the fans.

Billy Walker
Written by Doug Bennett
Produced by Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
John Ellis: electric guitar
Colin Nairne: slide guitar
Robbie Steininger: acoustic guitar
Doug Elliott: bass
Simon Kendall: Wurlitzer

Judge and Jury
Written by Al Rodger
Produced by Al Rodger
Recorded and mixed by Al Rodger at Crosstown Studios
Al Rodger: electric guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, tambourine, dobro
Pat Steward: drums
Robbie Steininger: slide guitar, dobro
Eric Webster: piano
Angela Kelman, Suzanne Gitzi: background vocals

Two Sides of the Same Coin (You’re Bleeding Me Dry)
Written by Doug Bennett
Produced by Colin Nairne and Simon Kendall
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Robbie Steininger: guitars
Pat Steward: drums
Doug Elliott: bass
Simon Kendall: keys, background vocals
Peter Padden, Billy Mendoza: background vocals

Water to Wine
Written by Danny Latham, Doug Bennett, and Jake Adams
Produced by Simon Kendall and Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios and Creation Studios
Pat Steward: drums
Doug Elliott: bass
Robbie Steininger: electric guitar
Colin Nairne: electric guitar
Simon Kendall: accordion, background vocals
Peter Padden, Billy Mendoza: background vocals

Heartbreak Avenue
Written by John Ellis, Gary Durbin, Doug Bennett
Produced by Colin Nairne and Simon Kendall
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Pat Steward: drums
Doug Elliott: bass
Colin Nairne: acoustic guitar
Simon Kendall: piano, B3 organ
John Ellis: electric guitar
Jim Dorn: pedal steel
John Riechman: mandolin
Suzanne Gitzi: background vocal

All Dressed Up in Black
Written by Doug Bennett and Danny Latham
Produced by Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Shawn Soucy: drums
Rob Becker: bass
Mike Crozier: guitars
Dale Wallace: piano
Rick Hopkins: B3 organ
Colin Nairne: percussion

She’s Going Dancing Tonight
Written by Doug Bennett
Produced by Simon Kendall and Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Pat Steward: drums
Doug Elliott: bass
Simon Kendall: acoustic guitar, piano, B3, tambourine, electric guitar, triangle
Linda Kidder: background vocal
Bruce Nicholson: trombone
Suzanne Gitzi: background vocal

Written by Doug Bennett
Produced by Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Colin Nairne: guitar
Robbie Steininger: guitar, dobro
Doug Elliott: bass

Love Like That
Written by Danny Latham, Doug Bennett, Mike Crozier, Colin Nairne, Dale Wallace, Suzanne Gitzi
Produced by Colin Nairne
Recorded and mixed by Colin Nairne at Crosstown Studios
Mike Crozier: guitars
Dale Wallace: piano
Rick Hopkins: B3
Rob Becker: bass
Shaun Soucy: drums
Keith Bennett: harmonica

Miss Opportunity Walks
Written by Al Rodger
Produced by Al Rodger
Recorded and mixed by Al Rodger at Crosstown Studios
Al Rodger: electric guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, tambourine, dobro
Pat Steward: drums
Robbie Steininger: slide guitar
Steve Soucy: Wurlitzer piano, clavinet
Keith Bennett: harmonica
Suzanne Gitzi, Al Rodger: background vocals

This project was supported by FACTOR and the Department of Canadian Heritage

Cover and insert photo by Hans Sipma
Back cover photo by Alice Gordon-Watson
Design by Stanley Q. Woodyne


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