45 tony kosinec   jack lenz   my city toronto the sesqui song front


Kosinec, Tony - My City Toronto: The Sesqui Song (with Jack Lenz)

Format: 45
Label: Kosinec-Lenz MC-02
Year: 1984
Origin: Leeds, England - Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: pop, rock
Keyword:  Toronto, civic pride
Value of Original Title: $10.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Singles
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, Canadian Places, Pop, 1980's


Side 1

Track Name
My City Toronto The Sesqui Song


45 tony kosinec   jack lenz   my city toronto the sesqui song back

45-Tony Kosinec & Jack Lenz - My City Toronto The Sesqui Song BACK

45 tony kosinec   jack lenz   my city toronto the sesqui song vinyl 01

45-Tony Kosinec & Jack Lenz - My City Toronto The Sesqui Song VINYL 01

45 tony kosinec   jack lenz   my city toronto the sesqui song vinyl 02

45-Tony Kosinec & Jack Lenz - My City Toronto The Sesqui Song VINYL 02

45 tony kosinec   jack lenz   my city toronto the sesqui song front

My City Toronto: The Sesqui Song (with Jack Lenz)


No Video


Produced by Tony Kosinec and Jack Lenz


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