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Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon

Format: LP
Label: Supreme Echo SE 56, Black Dragon Records BD 015 (France)
Year: 1986
Origin: Vancouver, British Columbia, 🇨🇦
Genre: metal
Value of Original Title: $110.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  https://supremeecho.bandcamp.com/album/sacred-blade
Playlist: 1980's, Metal, British Columbia


Side 1

Track Name
The Shortest Song
Ayltuthus I
Of The Sun + Moon
Fieldz the Sunshrine
The Reign of Night Rainz
To Lunar Windz...

Side 2

Track Name
The Enlightenment - Master of the Sun
The Pressing
In the Light of the Moon
Moon (Including Enigma - Memoirz (of the Dream of Dawn)


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Of the Sun + Moon


No Video


The Pilot: guitar, percussion, vocals, effects
Zed: backing vocals, bass, percussion
Nacsar: backing vocals, guitar, percussion
Pol: drums, percussion

Written by Jeff Ulmer, Will Rascan, and James Channing
Produced by Jeff Ulmer
Co-produced, recorded, and mixed by Doug McCann
Engineered by Wayne Chase
Mixing engineer: Andy Wiggs
Recorded at Ocean Sound Studio and Grapevine Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia
Mixed at Ocean Sound Studio

Artwork and photography by Jeff Ulmer


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