Love and truth company   goin' one way front


Love and Truth Company - Goin' One Way

Format: LP
Label: Westmount Records WSTM 7412
Year: 1974
Origin: Calgary, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, folk, gospel, psych
Value of Original Title: $150.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1970's, Spiritual, Alberta, Canadian Women in Song


Side 1

Track Name
Day by Day
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Trust in the Lord
Hold On to the Light
Through it All

Side 2

Track Name
Canticle for Brothers Apart
Walk With Me
Blessed Assurance
Child Like You
He Died For Us


Love and truth company   goin' one way back

Love and Truth Company - Goin' One Way BACK

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Love and Truth Company - Goin' One Way LABEL 01

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Love and Truth Company - Goin' One Way LABEL 02

Love and truth company   goin' one way front

Goin' One Way


No Video


Denise Pierce: vocals
Kelita Haverland: vocals
Gerald Fercho: guitar
Brian Fercho: bass
Rex Williamson: drums
Les Klippenstein: organ, piano

Produced by Peter Bentley
Recorded at SoundWest, Calgary, Alberta

Photos by Nelson Pierce


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