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Brown, Leroy - Genuine Love

Format: CD
Label: Dakarai Music International 002
Year: 2007
Origin: Kingston, Jamaica - Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: reggae, lovers rock
Value of Original Title: $40.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, Beautiful Black Canadians, 2000's, The Ultimate Jamaica to Ontario Collection, Reggae, Caribbean and African


Track Name
More Than That
Rent a Tile
Genuine Love
All Things Are Possible
One Little Kiss
Show Me
All That Glitters
Can't Stop Me (Extended Mix)


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Brown, Leroy - Genuine Love (3)

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Genuine Love


No Video


'Genuine Love', the new album by Leroy Brown, doesn't resemble 'Color Barrier' (a fantastic re-release by Makasound) in the slightest. It doesn't need to either, because 'Genuine Love' (released on Brown's own Dakarai label) is more a lovers rock than a roots album and, as lovers rock albums go, it's not a bad effort at all. The song 'Rent A Tile' was already a big hit for Brown and deservedly so because this is as good as lovers rock gets. We'll end with a bit of trivia: At one point in his career Leroy made a living as a (portrait-) painter and the artwork for the album sleeve of 'Genuine Love' is of his own signature.


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