Isabelle Fahmy: vocals
Natasha Szuber: vocals, 12-string guitar
Scott Clyke: drums, bass, shaker
Produced by Mike Lengies and Pigeon-Hole
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Rejean de Grand'Maison at LA Records, St. Lazare, Quebec
Perfect, Stranger
perhaps, someday we’ll meet again—
13 Stairs
i’ve climbed those stairs with my eyes closed, at all hours of the morning
and i aced my test on muscles
with my red mug and my black bags… whatever prompted me to count in the first place?
and even though you thought it never was, your love’s denied—
it’s my turn…
in the light, it’s tongue-twisted
Monday Morning
everyone from grace,
must fall.
eight o’clock news
with divided tongue
train wrecks and sunny weather
train wrecks and risk of showers
do you give a damn?
All Mine
outside your sphere of beauty
circles around, and spirals around
Plagiarizing Jeremiah
the way they treated her was like plagiarizing from the Bible
5 girls hand-picked by one of the captain’s friends
The Scissor Song
i hold handfuls of my flesh, as i eye the scissors
perhaps i’m part of the woodworks on the Baldwin
the thread on the rosary.
All Colour, All Talking
it’s all colour, all talking - and i am ill-suited to this scene
Sorry, didn’t mean to disappoint you.
On the first day, we awoke to a breakfast of quasi frozen grapefruit, pineapple, and Baba’s fruitcake.
We survived on nuts and berries, random meat, and a never-ending pasta salad which was eaten without salad dressing. Except for on the second day, when we begged Mike to concoct impromptu dressing, it was pretty good. We discovered Mother Nature’s unforgiving sense of timing and humour; thanks go out to wings.
Natasha cried throughout Perfect Stranger, Isabelle cried later too, for no reason apparent to anyone but Mother Nature. Scott doesn’t cry. He called us nerds throughout the recording and likes to make people think that Isabelle bites her toenails. He plays a mean water solo on All Mine. We were graced by grey skies on both days of this recording.
thank you’s, shameless gratitude, and such…
Deities: Mom and Dad Fahmy, Veronique, Jessica, Magda, Mom and Dad Szubor, Maria and Olivier, and my sweet Baba. The good man upstairs. All of our kind dear family and friends.
Fellow lovers of the art and masters of their trade: the Potholes, Golden Mean, Pipe Jive, Doc, the Vendettas, the Rhythmic Missionaries, Annabelle Chvostek and the folk babes, Phaedrus and all local musicians who make this stage the most happening place to label.
For the inspiration and tiny pockets of opportunity: the strangers Stephen Patrick, McGrath, and Lindy, Dan Bern, the Skydiggers.
Scott Clyke thanks: Thank you Pierrette, Coney Island, Isart, John Ascencio, Rick, Colin, John, Blue Nuit, Carlyle, Zuko, in loving memory of my grandad Gordon Clark.
Infinite Gratitude: Mike, Rav, Maha, all at Clydes: Duncan, Perry, Bernie…
Luc de Bouvires, Alex Boutros, Rick and folks at Isart, Orlee at the Yellow Door, Ian, Ryan and Doug in Ste-Anne, ladies of the Academy (Q of A), the gang at Marianopolis (Beth, Doug, Wayne and all!) Mr. Hankey, the salad dressing that never was, Raisinhead, Rav’s lady friend, Sabrina and all her goodness (and beautiful photos), Patouche, the dancing Mulqueen, the quiet I’ve for inspiring “Kleenex tops” and All Mine. Most especially, THANK YOU for listening - thank you so much!
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