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Shore, Howard - Videodrome

Format: LP
Label: Varèse Sarabande STV 81173 (USA)
Year: 1982
Origin: Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: electronic, Score
Value of Original Title: $150.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Haunted Halloween Canadian Style, Ontario, The Great Canadian Soundtrack, 1980's


Side 1

Track Name
Welcome to Videodrome
801 A / B
A Slow Burn

Side 2

Track Name
TV Or Not TV
TV Passions
Pins and Needles
Long Live the New Flesh


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Shore, Howard - Videodrome (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2)

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Shore, Howard - Videodrome (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (3)

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Shore, Howard - Videodrome (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (4)

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When Max Renn goes looking for edgy new material for his sleazy cable TV station, he stumbles across the pirate broad­­cast of a hyperviolent torture show called “Videodrome.” His attempts to unearth the program’s origins send him on a hallucinatory journey into a shadow world of right-wing conspiracies, sado­masochistic sex games, and bodily trans­formation. Starring James Woods and Deborah Harry, Videodrome is one of the most original and provocative works from writer-director David Cronenberg, and features ground­breaking makeup effects by Academy Award winner Rick Baker.

Music composed by Howard Shore
Realized on Synclayer II Synthesizer programming by Tom Coppola
Computer programming by Peter Hedeman and Maury Rosenfeld
Sound FX programing by Peter Burgess
Sound FX Montage by Paul Freedman
Film mix by Michael Jay
Stereo Re-mix engineering by Alan Howarth
Re-mixed at Pi-West Studios, Glendale, California, USA
Re-mix consultant: Michael Jay
Production assistant: Nanci Grant-Yaltkaya
Original release produced for Varese Sarabande Records
Produced by Scot W. Holton


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