Cd gary comeau   the hunger front


Comeau, Gary - The Hunger

Format: CD
Label: Monkeyboy Records
Year: 1994
Origin: Nova Scotia - Vancouver, British Columbia, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, folk
Value of Original Title: $40.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1990's, Folk, British Columbia


Track Name
The Hunger
Crazy for You
Dead or Alive
Fiddle and Squeezebox
West Bound Train
Cryin' at the Airport
Ghost Town
Lonesome Train
Lonesome Train Blues


Cd gary comeau   the hunger inside

CD-Gary Comeau - The Hunger INSIDE

Cd gary comeau   the hunger insert foldout

CD-Gary Comeau - The Hunger INSERT FOLDOUT

Cd gary comeau   the hunger inlay

CD-Gary Comeau - The Hunger INLAY

Cd gary comeau   the humger cd

CD-Gary Comeau - The Humger CD

Cd gary comeau   the hunger front

The Hunger


No Video


Gary Comeau: lead vocals, fiddle, mandolin, percussion
Robbie Steininger: acoustic, 12-string, and slide guitars
Dave Kilner: bass
Vince Ditrich: drums

All songs by Gary Comeau
Produced by Peter Honychurch & Gary Comeau
Engineered by Peter Honychurch
Recorded at Fluid Sound, Vancouver, British Columbia for Fluid Records
Mastered by Craig Waddell at Gotham City

Graphics by Stu MacDonald
Photos by Bob Yaremchuk


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