R 1921701 1425728933 1254


Harvey, Carl - Ecstacy of Mankind

Format: LP
Label: Cancer CAN LP 003 (UK)
Year: 1978
Origin: Jamaica - Toronto, Ontario
Genre: reggae, dub
Value of Original Title: $100.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, Beautiful Black Canadians, The Ultimate Jamaica to Ontario Collection, Reggae, Caribbean and African


Side 1

Track Name
Break Outs
Late Night Raver
Misty Night
Ecstasy of Mankind

Side 2

Track Name
Peace Truce
Mercury Stars
Bishop Muzorewa
World of Confusion
Guitar Inferno


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Harvey, Carl - Ecstacy of Mankind

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Harvey, Carl - Ecstacy of Mankind

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Harvey, Carl - Ecstacy of Mankind

R 1921701 1425728933 1254

Ecstacy of Mankind


No Video


Carl Harvey: lead guitar
Jackie Mittoo: keyboards
Ranchie: rhythm guitar
Earl Chinner: rhythm guitar
Rad Bryan: rhythm guitar
Lloyd Parks: bass
Rad Bryan: bass
Robert Shakespere: bass
Santa: drums
Sly Dunbar: drums

Recorded at Dynamic Sounds Studios and Joe Gibbs Studio
Remixed at King Tubby's Studio
Produced by Bunny Lee


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