Duane o'kane   voices in the night front


O'Kane, Duane - Voices In The Night

Format: LP
Label: Japan Records JAPAN 002
Year: 1987
Origin: North Vancouver, British Columbia
Genre: pop, rock, synth
Value of Original Title: $25.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Pop, 1980's, British Columbia


Side 1

Track Name
Don't Throw Our Love Away
Out of this World
Dance With Me
Stimulate Me

Side 2

Track Name
Voices in the Night
Modern Girls
Close Your Eyes


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Duane O'Kane - Voices In The Night BACK

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Duane O'Kane - Voices In The Night INSERT SIDE 01

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Duane O'Kane - Voices In The Night INSERT SIDE 02

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Duane O'Kane - Voices In The Night LABEL 01

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Duane O'Kane - Voices In The Night LABEL 02

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Voices In The Night


No Video


Duane O'Kane: lead vocals
ID Guiness: keyboards, bass, drum programming
Glenn R. Smith: lead and rhythm guitar
Paul Garay: keyboards & synth bass
Sean Vedova: drums
Neil Shilikin: keyboards
Richard Turpin: additional synth programming
Ken Spence: saxophone
Janie Reed: lead and background vocals
Trevor Hoffman: background vocals
Jodie Bronson: background vocals
Allen Etcetera: background vocals
Leslie Harris: background vocals

Recorded and mixed at Ocean Sound Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia
Engineered and mixed by Paul Baker
Second Engineers: Matt Singh and Pat Hugggard


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