Scott merritt   desperate cosmetics front


Merritt, Scott - Desperate Cosmetics

Format: LP
Label: Little Jonah Records LJR 100
Year: 1980
Origin: Brantford, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: folk, rock soft
Value of Original Title: $100.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1980's, Folk


Side 1

Track Name
Terry Kick the Beehive
Time for a Good Find
I Had Ambitions
Down for the Dive
Blue Light: Tiny Eye
Never Want You Blue

Side 2

Track Name
Memoirs from a Contaminated Well
Dave Essig in Elmira
Above the Shallow Soil
The Suffering Good



Scott Merritt - Desperate Cosmetics

Scott merritt   desperate cosmetics liner side 01

Scott Merritt - Desperate Cosmetics LINER SIDE 01

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Scott Merritt - Desperate Cosmetics LINER SIDE 02

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Scott Merritt - Desperate Cosmetics LABEL 01

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Scott Merritt - Desperate Cosmetics LABEL 02

Scott merritt   desperate cosmetics front

Desperate Cosmetics


No Video


Scott Merritt: guitar, vocals, dulcimer, recorder, vibe, toy
David Essig: classical guitar
Henry Hellio: bass
David Woodhead: bass
Rick Gratton: drums
Bucky Berger: drums
Matt Zimbel: percussion
Scott Irvine: tuba
Carl Kellee: clarinet
Doug Reansbury: acoustic accompaniment, backing vocals
Ed Roth: keyboards
Jude Johnson: backing vocals
Louri Conger: backing vocals
Ralph Schipper: backing vocals

Produced by Scott Merritt
Engineered by Daniel Lanois at Grant Ave. Studio, Hamilton, Ontario

Cover drawing by Vivki Eaton
Photography by Puckell Family Graphic


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