Cindy valentine   rock   roll heart attack front


Valentine, Cindy (Valentine Cinzia Leone) - Rock & Roll Heart Attack

Format: LP
Label: Columbia PCC-80092
Year: 1984
Origin: Italy - Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock hard
Value of Original Title: $35.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, Rock Room, 1980's, Canadian Women in Song


Side 1

Track Name
Fool in the Night
Big Kiss
Love Child
Power of Love

Side 2

Track Name
Living in the Fast Lane
Make it Through the Night
Using Me
Don't Waste Your Love


Cindy valentine   rock   roll heart attack back

Cindy Valentine - Rock & Roll Heart Attack BACK

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Valentine, Cindy - Rock & Roll Heart Attack (2)

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Valentine, Cindy - Rock & Roll Heart Attack (1)

Cindy valentine   rock   roll heart attack front

Rock & Roll Heart Attack



Valentine's first album, Rock & Roll Heart Attack (1984), had three singles released from the album, "Victim", "Make It Through the Night" and "Big Kiss". The majority of the songs on the album were written by Valentine's manager, Tony Green. Valentine co-wrote the song "Lust" with Aubrey Singer and Lorne Ould and was the sole composer of the song "Using Me".

Michael Damian played the part of the love-interest in the music video for the song "Victim", with Valentine singing and playing the lead role.

Cindy Valentine: vocals
Davide Amadei: guitar
Aubrey Dana: guitar
Rick Rice: guitar
Bryan Hughes: guitar
Lorne Ould: bass
Nicky Pregino: bass
Greg Steele: drums, percussion
Asher Fisher: drums, percussion
Chris Wade: keyboards, piano
Rod McManus: keyboards, piano

Produced by Tony Green
Engineered by (Heavy Metal) Joe Primeau and Robin Brouwers, assisted by Garth Richardson, Gary Nolan, Kim Barrett, and Kirk Elliott at Phase One Studios; Claude Allard and Sylvain Jacob at Studio Marko
Recorded at Phase One Studios and Studio Marko

Photography by Yehuda Yordan
Art direction by Rob MacIntyre


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