45 monster stalkers wailin wolf %28picture sleeve%29 front


Monster Stalkers - Do the Sasquatch b/w Wailin' Wolf/ (Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau (picture sleeve)

Format: 45
Label: Fireball Records FB 009
Year: 2011
Origin: Campbell River, British Columbia
Genre: surf, garage, rock
Keyword:  Sasquatch
Value of Original Title: $7.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Singles
Websites:  No
Playlist: Surfing the 49th Parallel, 2010's, Canadian Monsters, British Columbia


Side 1

Track Name
Do the Sasquatch

Side 2

Track Name
Wailin' Wolf
(Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau



Monster Stalkers - Do the Sasquatch b/w Wailin' Wolf/ (Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau (picture sleeve)


Monster Stalkers - Do the Sasquatch b/w Wailin' Wolf/ (Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau (picture sleeve)


Monster Stalkers - Do the Sasquatch b/w Wailin' Wolf/ (Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau (picture sleeve)

45 monster stalkers wailin wolf %28picture sleeve%29 front

Do the Sasquatch b/w Wailin' Wolf/ (Don't Go to) Forbidden Plateau (picture sleeve)


No Video


hot off the press, this hairy scary single is now available in record stores near you.

Rich Hagensen (Surfdusters): vocals, rhythm guitar
Mark Brodie: lead guitar
Mike Van Eyes: organ
Grant Shankaruk: bass
Rod Moore: drums
Angela Hagensen: screams

Design and layout: Mark Twang
Illustrations: Grant Shankaruk


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