Pippus, John - Born a Genius

Format: CD
Label: private
Year: 2010
Origin: Vancouver, British Columbia
Genre: blues
Value of Original Title: 
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Blues, 2010's, British Columbia


Track Name
Where I Come From
Hey Now Hey
Let's Legalize It
Leaving On Your Mind
Liberation Day
Born A Genius
Shopping Cart Joe
Ancient Love
Jack Knives and Cannonballs
One Shot
Your Mouth Is The Gun
It's Just Music



Born a Genius


No Video


"It appears that he has exorcised a few of his demons after the lonely pre-dawn lament of his first album, and he’s got stuff to say." - Shelley Gummeson, Earshot Magazine, Sept. 17/10

"Sounds like: Gordon Lightfoot, Bruce Cockburn, Jack Johnson" - Alan Cross, ExploreMusic.com, Sept. 27/10

"Pippus's second CD can't be labelled blues or tagged folk but it is earthy without also being retro... As varied as it is, humour and energy might be the album's unifying factor." - Tom Harrison, Province Newspaper, Aug. 15/10

All profits from the sale of the CD go to KIVA.ORG. This organization facilitates "micro loans" to start up businesses in developing countries. credits released 15 September 2010

Produced and recorded by Adam Bailie

Tracks 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 mixed by Michael Nowak

Tracks 3, 4, 5, 10 and 12 mixed by Adam Bailie

John’s lead vocals and rhythm guitar were recorded by Michael Nowak at Saga Recording, Vancouver, BC. except:
“Let’s Legalize It” and some lead vocal lines for “It’s Just Music”. Recorded by Adam Bailie.

Mastered by Brock McFarlane

Graham Vickers: Album Cover Photography and Concept
Anthony Joseph: Visual Retouching
Digital Media Alliance: Album Cover Design


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