Breastfeeders, Les - Les matins de grands soirs

Format: CD
Label: Blow Fuse Records BTFCD 008
Year: 2008
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, garage
Value of Original Title: 
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: The Garage, Rock Room, Quebec, 2000's


Track Name
Viens avec moi
Chanson pour destinée
Funny Funiculaire
Tout va pour le mieux dans le pire des mondes
Et j'apprendrai que c'est l'hiver
En dansant le Yah!
Pas sans saveur
Le roi est nu
Qui a deux femmes
Où allez-vous si vite?
Tuer l'idole
Tu n'es pas mon chien
Septembre sous la pluie



Les Breastfeeders - Les matins de grands soirs


Les matins de grands soirs


No Video


les Breastfeeders nous font le coup de la maturité sur Dans la gueule des jours. Enfin... Si on entend par «maturité» le fait de comprimer l’ensemble du chemin parcouru sur 13 titres endiablés et accrocheurs, de ne jamais abdiquer ni faire de compromis et de trouver le moyen de se renouveler fiévreusement dans la plus totale cohérence, on peut le dire comme ça.
J.P. Tremblay, Nightlife Magazine, Février 2011

English Canada prepare to meet Quebec's best-kept rock'n'roll secret. No matter what language you speak, Les Breastfeeders' tight musicianship and magnetic stage presence cannot be denied...
Sofi Papamarko, Exclaim

... Thankfully, attention-grabbing bands like French-Canadians Les Breastfeeders make one forget one's foreign language purgatory. Despite the communication barrier, these Montreal-rooted miscreants succeed with ceaseless energy, blendin mod-punk, yeye and lusty garage-pop to yield a bouncy, guitar stroked throwdown. Not since the '80"s cave dwellers the Gruesomes has a canuck band captured so perfectly that Sonics-style, basement-spawned garage menace.
Ron Bally, HARP

... Flipping yé-yé girl-pop against '60's-style garage nuggets, Montreal's Les Breastfeeders churn snotty mod-fitted punk into a palette of intoxicating throwbacks...
A.R. BlackBook

Easily one of the best live bands in the city, Les Breastfeeders finally extract all the sweat and blood from the stage and punch it into plastic[...] one can only hope that the rest of the world will also be ready for les Breastfeeders. One of the best local releases this year.
8/10 Disc of the week, J. Cummins, Montreal Mirror

Contrary to popular belief, lyrics need not be understood to be appreciated. To wit: if you can't decode the rough-and-tumble francais of Les Breastfeeders, don't fret. Just enjoy the good, old fashioned garage-rock, which they sling like a fat smoked meat sandwich (scratching your head? Go to Montreal).

Les Breastfeeders are a Montreal garage-rock quintet that could show their American counterparts a thing or two about the inherent power of distortion. Les Matins de Grand Soirs (Blow the Fuse Records) can be roughly translated as “Mornings of Great Evenings,” and there is simply not a clunker in the entire batch of 14 cuts. Whether it’s the all-out assault of “Viens Avec Moi” or the more restrained and epic “Chanson Pour Destinée,” Les Breastfeeders succeed in channeling the best noise of the ‘60s (think 13th Floor Elevators or the Seeds) with a powerfully modern je ne sais quoi.
Darryl Smyers (Dallas Observer)

Les muscles se sont aussi pas mal exprimés, et beaucoup crampés, pour Les Breastfeeders ; ahurissante troupe rock et grand groupe de scène, à la fois terriblement rêche et furieusement pop, entre les Ramones et B-52’s. Le concert va vite, semble ne jamais vouloir s’arrêter, ne jamais prendre de direction trop facilement établie ; les morceaux épuisants et exaltants allument un petit incendie à refrain, un danseur fou fait le spectacle –immense.
Thomas Burgel, Les Inrockuptibles (Octobre 2007)

... This pop-punk extravaganza is riddled with hooks, boasting three clangy guitars, a surprisingly artful bassist, and absolutely relentless drummer, and of course, Johnny Maldoror, tambourine extraordinaire [...] Les Breastfeeders are just another reason why Montréal has repeatedly been dubbed the "new Seattle"...
In a cliché Foreign Exclamation: Ooh La La! Grade: A. By Noah Ruede. the Aquarian, New Jersey.

…the group creates a pure gem of pop brilliance in the way they balance the infectious frolic of the rockier songs with the more laid-back moments […] you can bet this one isn’t leaving my playlist for a while.
**** See Magazine, Edmonton

…the fact I don't understand any of the French lyrics makes it all the better to snap, shimmy and shake to. It makes me want to fill my apartment with as many humans as possible, get a keg and crank the player and mad dance all over the place.
Nerve Magazine, Vancouver

If albums could smoke, ‘Les Matins de Grands Soirs’ would be a smokestack in a world of skinny cigarette fashionistas.

Qu'on se le dise: ce nouveau disque est infectueux. Funny Funiculaire, En dansant le Yah! et Tout va pour le mieux dans le pire des mondes sont de vraies bombes. […] Un pas de géant"
Philippe Renaud, La Presse


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