The scene canada scenes from another world bt puppy 2


Scene, The - Scenes (From Another World) b/w You're In A Bad Way

Format: 45
Label: B.T. Puppy Records Inc. 533
Year: 1968
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: psych, pop
Value of Original Title: $50.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Singles
Websites:  No
Playlist: The Garage, Quebec, Psych, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
Scenes (From Another World)

Side 2

Track Name
You're In A Bad Way


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Scene, The - Scenes (From Another World) b/w You're In A Bad Way

The scene canada scenes from another world bt puppy 2

Scenes (From Another World) b/w You're In A Bad Way


No Video


A short-lived outfit from 1969 who were based in Montreal, Quebec. Noland had earlier played in Humdingers and Simon and Zimmerman later played together in Life, a late sixties pop act.

Truly Noland: guitar
Danny Zimmerman: bass
Marty Simon: drums

Produced by Neil Sheppard


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