Workman  billy   st %281%29


Workman, Billy - ST

Format: LP
Label: Les Disques Direction Records DLP 10013
Year: 1978
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, blues
Value of Original Title: $20.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1970's, Hard Rock des Habitants, Rock Room, Quebec


Side 1

Track Name
Boogie Home
There's a Lady
Independant Grave Man
Talk About Money

Side 2

Track Name
New York Mama
Ain't Got Nothing to Lose
Hey Man
Heart of Stone
She's Gonna Stay


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Workman, Billy - ST (4)

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Workman, Billy - ST (3)

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Workman, Billy - ST (2)

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No Video


Fantastic Canadian hard rock guitar psych LP features Walter Rossi & Frank Marino (Mahogany Rush) on guitars ~ there’s some cookin’ stuff on this!

Billy Workman: guitar, percussion, backing vocals
Matthew Enright: guitar
Walter Rossi: guitar
Frank Marino: guitar
Jack August: bass
George Gardos: bass
Derek Kendrick: drums
Patrick Sarceno: drums
Bert Hermistead: horns
Richard Beaudet: horns
Denis LePage : horns
Doug Riley: keyboards
Marty Simon: marimba

Written by Billy Workman
String arrangements by Yves Lapierre
Produced by George Lagios and Michel Pagliaro
Recording and remix engineering by Michel Pagliaro, Billy Szawlowski, George Semkiw, and Ian Terry

Photography and album design by Pierre Dury


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