Westmorland singers   at home with front


Westmorland Singers - At Home With

Format: LP
Label: Banff RBS-1088
Year: 1961
Origin: Westmorland, New Brunswick, 🇨🇦
Genre: folk, vocal, choral
Value of Original Title: $25.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Banff Records, New Brunswick, 1960's, Canadian Women in Song, Folk


Side 1

Track Name
Moments to Remember
My Love Loves Me
Side by Side
How Can You Buy Killarney
Come On Down South

Side 2

Track Name
How Gently Sweet Afton
Vaya Con Dios
In the Gloaming
Little Liza Jane
When You Come to the End of the Day


Westmorland singers   at home with label 01

Westmorland Singers - At Home With LABEL 01

Westmorland singers   at home with vinyl 02

Westmorland Singers - At Home With VINYL 02

Westmorland singers   at home with back

Westmorland Singers - At Home With BACK

Westmorland singers   at home with front

At Home With


No Video


Dorothy Hayes: vocals
Jean Elder: vocals
Mildred Neal: vocals
Martha Harris: vocals
Helen Steeves: vocals
Erna MacManus: vocals
Ruth Buchanen: piano

Cover photo courtesy Nova Scotia Travel Bureau - Miss Elizabeth LeFort uses ancient Acadien Tapestry Technique while working at Margaree Harbour, Cape Breton


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