Secret act   my neighbourhood front


Secret Act - My Neighbourhood

Format: LP
Label: VOT Records VOT 86-06
Year: 1986
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, new wave, pop
Value of Original Title: $15.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: New Wave Post Punk Wave, Quebec, 1980's


Side 1

Track Name
Talk Talk!
Poor Boy
Night Club

Side 2

Track Name
Fred Flinstone, Where Are You
Northern Spy
Our Little Secret
That Certain Feeling
My Neighbourhood


Secret act   my neighbourhood back

Secret Act - My Neighbourhood BACK

Secret act   my neighbourhood front

My Neighbourhood


No Video


Domenic Petrella: bass ('Fred Flintstone, Where Are You?', 'That Certain Feeling', 'My Neighbourhood')
James Stefko: bass ('Talk! Talk!', 'Helpless', 'Heaven', 'Poor Boy', 'Night Club', 'Northern Spy', 'Our Little Secret')
Michael Dennis: drums, vocals
Robert Ranaldi: guitar, vocals
Phyllis Orofino: keyboards, vocals
Franco Orofino: clarinet ('Our Little Secret')

Written by:
Stefko: lyrics ('Talk! Talk!'); S.A.: music ('Talk! Talk!', 'Helpless', 'Heaven', 'Fred Flintstone, Where Are You?', 'Northern Spy', 'That Certain Feeling');
Ranaldi: lyrics ('Helpless', 'Night Club', 'Northern Spy', 'My Neighbourhood'); music ('Poor Boy', 'Night Club', 'My Neighbourhood');
Di Iorio: lyrics and music ('Poor Boy', 'Night Club', 'That Certain Feeling', 'My Neighbourhood');
Pannunzio: lyrics and music ('Heaven', 'Our Little Secret')

Arranged and conducted by Secret Act
Produced by Morris Apelbaum and Secret Act
Engineered by Morris Apelbaum
Recorded and Produced at Silent Sound Studios, Montreal

Cover and Design by Paul Gott
Painting by IlIo Piccioli
Photography by Debi De Santis


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