Sebutones   50 50 where it counts front squared cropped


Sebutones (aka Sixtoo, aka Vaughn Robert Squire and Buck 65) - 50/50 Where It Counts

Format: CD
Label: private
Year: 1998
Origin: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Genre: rap, hip-hop
Value of Original Title: $300.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Nova Scotia, Buck 65, 1990's, Hip-Hop Rap Room


Track Name
We Three Kings
Trust No One
The Masked Man
05 Professionals
Dead Men Don't Walk
Apocalypse Party
Intelligent Freaks
Dazed & Confused
Whiteys On The Moon
Go Back
Ballistics Testing
Outlawed Truths
Tranquilized Tones
Viral Pneumonia
Simba Aint Shit
Punk Song


Sebutones   50 50 where it counts back

Sebutones - 50-50 Where It Counts BACK

Sebutones   50 50 where it counts cdr

Sebutones - 50-50 Where It Counts CDR

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Sebutones - 50-50 Where It Counts RE-ISSUE BACK2

Sebutones   50 50 where it counts re issue front cdcd

Sebutones - 50-50 Where It Counts RE-ISSUE FRONT CDCD

Sebutones   50 50 where it counts front squared cropped

50/50 Where It Counts


No Video


50/50 Where it Counts

This album was an experiment in Dadaism, discomfort and voodoo.

It was recorded in a studio at the school Rob (Sixtoo) was attending at the time. Something was wrong with this studio. Everything sounded reasonably fine while we were in there recording, but once we took what we made outside, it was clear that the place was haunted. Not only were there all kinds of inexplicable sounds and voices on the record, it sounded like shit. Weird. When you play this record at volume ten, it still sounds very quiet. Not good.

Here we have a case of too much of a good thing. There's so much going on! Almost too many ideas. In fact, forget 'almost'. There are 100 ideas too many. It sounds like this record was made as if we thought there was going to be no tomorrow. I think that if we were more mellow people at this point in our lives, we might have made a great record. If we had've taken ten of the ideas we had and spent proper time with those, things might have worked out. Then we would have had enough stuff left over for three or four more records...

One might make the argument that this was weirdness for weirdness' sake. But this record was designed as a reaction to a movement that was stuck in the mud. This was an attempt at a coup. It was a quiet war. We wanted to push the limits of hip hop. I think we did that, but no one noticed or cared. But we were on the lunatic fringe - hip hop pariahs - and we knew it. I think we even relished it a little.

This record is freaky, uncomfortable and too long. It's unfocused. It's disturbing, which may or may not be a good thing. There are a lot of great ideas, but it's not the great record it could have been.


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