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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

Format: 2LP
Label: Melbourne SMLP 4035, 4036, World Record Corp. WRC1-784
Year: 1979
Origin: Sarnia, Ontario
Genre: classical, electronic, concrete, experimental
Value of Original Title: $50.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, Classically Canadian


Side 1

Track Name
Loving (1963-65) Scenes 1-7

Side 2

Track Name
Loving (1963-65) Scenes 8-15

Side 3

Track Name
Loving (1963-65) Scenes 16-19

Side 4

Track Name
Music For The Morning Of The World (1969)


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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

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Schafer, R. Murray - Loving: Music for the Morning of the World

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Loving: Music for the Morning of the World


No Video


Joseph Macerollo: accordion
Ian Hampton: cello
Peter Madgett: double bass
Bill Bridges: guitar, banjo
Erica Goodman: harp
Mark Widner: keyboards
Bill Kuinka: mandolin
Philippe Etter: viola
Joseph Peleg: violin
Norman Nelson: violin
Conducted by Robert Aitken

Allen Beard, Bob Becker, David Kent, Robin Engelman, Russell Hartenberger, Bill Winant
Gilles Savard, Jean MacPhail, Kathy Terrell (mezzo-soprano), Mary Lou Fallis, Susan Gudgeon, Trulie MacLeod

Engineered by Sy Potma
Recorded at Manta Sound


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