Reign ghost st


Reign Ghost - Reign Ghost Featuring Lynda Squires

Format: LP
Label: Allied 19
Year: 1970
Origin: Oshawa, Ontario
Genre: psych
Value of Original Title: $1,500.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, $1000 Record Club, Bob Bryden, Top 50 Collector Albums, MOCM TOP 100 CDN ALBUMS, Rarest Canadian Music, Holy Grails, Psych, MOCM Top 1000 Canadian Albums


Side 1

Track Name
Long Day Journey #2
More Than I
Mother's Got Troubles
Pudsy's Parable
Ain't it Great

Side 2

Track Name
Breast Stroke Blues
Solar Nice
Enola Gay



Lynda Squires


Bob Bryden


Lynda Squires


Reign Ghost - Reighn Ghost Featuring Lynda Squires

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Reign ghost st

Reign Ghost Featuring Lynda Squires


No Video


Second album with a completely different line-up except for Lynda Squires and myself. Recorded in 1969 and released many months after the band had folded in 1970 on the Paragon Records label (an affiliate of Allied Records). By the time it came out in 1969, my follow-up band Christmas was well under way and in a crazy turn of events both the second Reign Ghost album and the first Christmas album were released by Paragon on the same day!!
released July 9, 1970

Reflections on the Second Reign Ghost Album
by Bob Bryden

1969 was an incredibly busy year for me. I was at the ripe old age of 18. In an era when bands were reinventing themselves at lightning speed with each album, I went a step further. In 1969 I was in three bands all of whom recorded. The first Reign Ghost album came out at the beginning of that year and by year’s end I had formed and recorded the second Reign Ghost album and founded my longest lasting ensemble, Christmas.

The second Reign Ghost album or ‘Reign Ghost featuring Lynda Squires’ as the cover states, or ‘The New Reign Ghost’ as we were billed at our initial gigs, had a rapid genesis. The line-up of the first album quickly changed in mid 1969 as Lynda and I were increasingly restless to find something different. There was a local 3 piece band we admired called Mechanic Elusion, comprising John Pudlis (whom I had played with in one of my first bands, The Things); Russ Erman and Rich (Helge) Richter. Rich was the cousin of my friend Wolfgang Hryciuk both of whom would later be in the first incarnation of Christmas.

I recall that Lynda and I thought Mechanic Elusion were a very cool ensemble. I recall that we approached them and asked if they wanted to amalgamate and become a new version of Reign Ghost. Obviously, they were into it. Pudlis, Erman and Richter had a lot of interesting original material. (What they lacked in lyrical content they made up for in melodies and interesting chord progressions - ‘Mother’s Got Trouble’ is a case in point). Clearly, Mechanic Elusion (and particularly Pudlis) had been big Iron Butterfly fans as is evident in some of their writing (‘Enola Gay’) and Pudlis’s vocal tone. Lynda and I didn’t seem to mind that too much.

Lynda and I were still under contract to Allied/Paragon so we brought the ‘New Reign Ghost’ into the studio very quickly. It would seem that all this transition took place between June and July of 1969. The new band played a lot gigs in the Oshawa area including high schools and the 2nd big rock show at the Civic Auditorium.

It’s incredible to me when I look back and think that in a few short months, the first Reign Ghost folded, the second Reign Ghost was born and then by the end of the year - that version of Reign Ghost had also folded so that by December I was rallying the troops to form Christmas! The New Reign Ghost, I remember, folded for a couple of main reasons - John Pudlis was getting married and wanted to ‘settle down’; Russ Erman wanted to devote time to running the family printing business in Oshawa (Arjay Printers) and Rich - well Rich, he came with me into the Christmas fold. Around this time Lynda and I had auditioned for the Toronto production of ‘Hair’. Lynda got the gig and that left me free to form and pursue Christmas, my ultimate dream band at that time.

In retrospect, listening back to this newly remastered version of the 2nd Reign Ghost album, I can enjoy it. My only regret is that I didn’t get some of my better songs on the record. The tune I’m most pleased with is ‘Solar Nice’ which is a pretty accurate indication of where I wanted to go songwriting wise. ‘Breast Stroke Blues’ was a complete satire and as such it’s a bit of a throwaway. I hate to say it - but we were kind of ‘mocking the blues’. ‘Ain’t It Great’ was one of my lesser tunes and I’m not quite sure why we put it on the record. Of course, ‘Long Day Journey’ is a carry-over from the first Reign Ghost album. I guess I wanted to have a rockier version of that. I’m impressed with the recording over-all. Considering, once again we were recording in Cousin Bill Bessey’s basement (see insert notes on first Reign Ghost album). The guitar tones are pretty cool and the vocal recording is nicely strident. As was the custom, the album was done VERY quickly with little time for corrections or re-takes but as such - the performances hold their own.

We artists can be pretty hard on ourselves, but I’ve learned to appreciate the older stuff over the years, for it’s historical value if nothing else. The Reign Ghost albums were both immediate and spontaneous products of the times. Things went from the mind to the studio to the public with amazing rapidity in those days. As the outpouring of a seventeen and then eighteen year (respectively) poetic mind I can’t really fault either album. The Canadian music business was still in the womb and nobody really knew what they were doing, therefore I’m amazed and pleased that the recordings can still generate interest with new audiences.

This new re-master hasn’t been tampered with too much. It’s just punchier, more in-your-face. I hope you enjoy it.
-Bob Bryden, Sept. 22 2013

Reign Ghost Featuring Lynda Squires - Copyright for the world Bob Bryden
and Marketing Man's Nightmare Productions
All songs published and copyright for the world Stay Alert, Music (Socan)
All Rights Reserved. Released under license
For more information please visit:

Bob Bryden: lead vocals, guitar
Linda Squires: lead vocals, kazoo
John Pudlis: lead vocal, guitar
Russ Erman: bass, vocals
Rich Richter: drums, vocals

Produced by Jack Boswell and Bill Bessey
Remastered by Bob Bryden.

Cover photo courtesy of R. Clay
Art Direction by Jack Umpleby


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