Faith nolan africville %283%29

Nolan, Faith - Africville

Format: LP
Label: M.W.I.C. (Multicultural Women in Concert) Records 11161
Year: 1986
Origin: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Genre: folk
Keyword:  Africville, Black settlements in Nova Scotia, Edith Clayton, Josiah Henson, Mary Joseph Angelique, Mary Ann Shadd
Value of Original Title: 
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Beautiful Black Canadians, Nova Scotia, 1980's, Canadian Women in Song, Folk, Top 50 Black Canadian Albums


Side 1

Track Name
Josiah Henson
Mary Joseph Angelique
Child of Mine
Mary Ann Shadd
Nobody Knows My People

Side 2

Track Name
Emancipation Day
Edith Clayton
Box Factory
Uppity Town
Divide and Rule



Faith Nolan - Africville back cover


Africville in the 1960's

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Faith Nolan-Africville LABEL 02

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No Video


The title of Faith Nolan's historical album refers to the 150 year old black settlement, which was located in the Bedford Basin in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Rather than providing the community with fresh water, septic systems, roads, and other facilities that were afforded the caucasion communities, the racist government of the day stole their land, ordered the destruction of the community, and displaced all 400 inhabitants.

Residents of Africville were given a formal apology by the mayor of Halifax in February, 2010.
-Robert Williston


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