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Nash, Nancy - CBC Comp 439 comp

Format: LP comp
Label: CBC Radio Canada LM 439
Year: 1976
Origin: Edmonton, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: pop
Keyword:  Haida
Value of Original Title: $15.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Compilation Tracks
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1970's, Alberta, Pop, Canadian Women in Song, CBC Radio Canada LM Series


Side 1

Track Name
Get to Know You (Nancy Nash)
One More Time
Empty Stage


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Va cbc lm 439 front

CBC Comp 439 comp


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Please welcome, from Edmonton, Nancy Nash — one of Canada’s fastest rising young stars. For those of you who have seen Nancy on National television with Bob Ruzicka, you’ll remember her for her winning personality and astonishing voice. This is her first CBC recording and we have decided to make it an all-Edmonton product. Nancy wrote the first song, local drummer Stu Mitchell the second, and another great young singer, Betty Chaba, wrote Empty Stage, in which Nancy plays harmonica. Thanks go to arrangers Wally Petruck and Gary Dere for their talents too. As Nancy says, “I know deep down I’m here to give what I can, and if music is the way I am to express it, then I’ll give it my best.”

Produced by Richard Craig
Engineered by G. Ratcliffe


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