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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

Format: LP
Label: A&M SP 9120
Year: 1986
Origin: Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock soft
Value of Original Title: $20.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Soft Rock Room, Ontario, 1980's


Side 1

Track Name
I Want Everything
One Chance
Heart of Ice
Counting On Love
Walk the Line

Side 2

Track Name
I Can't Break Away From You
Coming Out of Nowhere
Hold Me


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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

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Meissner, Stan - Windows to Light

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Windows to Light


No Video


In 1985, when I hooked up my computer to my synthesizer and experienced MIDI for the first time, I sat down and out came 'One Chance'. I had to call Fred Mollin right away because I knew that his touch on the lyric would be gentler than mine. The song was a sizable hit in Canada and to this day it has always been very special to me. It was also recorded by Eddie Money on his 'Can't Hold Back' album. When I met up with Eddie, long after the fact, he apologized to me for'f#@%ing up my tune!' Funny thing is, I always liked the way he sang it. Recording this album, I can remember spending months in the tiny control room of Wychwood, (which has since moved to larger and cooler quarters) where the air-conditioning was so loud that it had to be turned off while recording. That summer was so hot, I'm sure much of this record was recorded with me drenched in sweat virtually naked in the studio. (I usually work alone, so it wasn't much fun!) I have vivid recollections of playing the guitar solos in'Coming Out Of Nowhere' and have always felt that it captured some of my best work. I also recall staying up an hour later each night until I had worked my way right around the clock. I lost one entire day over the course of a month. Weird!! The additional tracks included on this CD were all recorded since the original album was made. 'I'll Wait for You' and 'Endless Ride' were recorded to be part of an album I never finished between 1987 and 1988. 'Wild and Blue' was also from that period but was re-recorded to be part of 'Undertow' (Duke Street Records-released 1992). I have decided to include it here instead. With the advent of what seemed like incredible technology at the time, this CD was recorded. Looking back, it's hard to imagine ever using such primitive sequencers and synthesizers, but, together with the live performances captured here, we made the most of it. Anyway what it represents now is a time capsule of sound and ideas that mean as much to me today as they did in 1986.
-Stan Meissner, '94

Stan Meissner: guitars, keyboards, vocals
Peter Cardinali: bass
Mike Sloski: drums on 'Heart of Ice', 'Counting on Love' & 'Hold Me'
Kevan McKenzie: drums on 'Lifeline', 'I Can't Break From You' & 'Walk The Line'
S. M.: drums on 'Wild and Blue', 'I'll Wait For You', & 'Endless Ride'
Rob Yale: Fairlight Programming on 'I Want Everything', 'One Chance' & 'Coming Out Of Nowhere'

Steve Hunter: additional keyboards
Anton Evans: bass on 'Wild and Blue'
Steve MacKinnon: piano solo on 'I'll Wait For You'
Bert Hermiston: sax solo on 'I Can't Break Away From You'
Peter Cardinali: string arrangements on 'Hold Me'
Peter Fredette: additional vocal on 'Wild and Blue'

Produced by Stan Meissner
Associate Producer: Fred Mollin
Recorded at The Wychwood Studio. Engineered by Stan Meissner
Basic tracks for 'Heart of Ice', 'Counting on Love' & 'Hold Me'
Recorded at Le Studio, Morin Heights.
Engineered by Paul Northfield. Assisted by Frank Opolko.
Additional recording at Manta Sound.
Engineered by Gary Gray & Andy Hermant, assisted by Mike Duncan.

Mixed at Le Studio, Morin Heights by Paul Northfield,
Assisted by Robert DiGioia & Frank Opolko.
Additional mixing at Metal Works by Ed Stone and The Wychwood Studio by Stan Meissner.

Original Disc Mastering by Mike Reese at The Mastering Lab, Hollywood, CA.
Digitally Re-mastered by George Graves at Lacquer Channel.

Special thanks to Fred Mollin, Susan Brearton, Rob Yale, Peter Cardinali, Mike Sloski, Steve Hunter, Paul Northfield, Yael & all at Le Studio, Ed Stone, Alex & all at Metal Works, Peter Lee, Mike Reese, Total Eclipse, The Wacky Guy, Faigie & Wilf, Barbara, Michael, Russell, Sparky, Clive, Wendel and Rags.

Very special thanks to - Gerry Lacoursiere (then and now), Michael Godin and all at A&M for their help and support. Thanks also (for helping prepare this C.D.) to Sally Macpherson, Madonna McMannus and Nancy Glatt

Even more thanks to Sondi & Carl Dixon for making this CD a reality.

Original art direction and design David Andoff
Photography Bruno Dayan

Masters used on this album were licensed from PolyGram Group Canada Inc. and Meissner Music Productions Inc.


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