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Leroy, James with Denim - ST

Format: LP
Label: GRT 9230 1034
Year: 1973
Origin: Martintown, Ontario
Genre: pop, rock
Value of Original Title: $65.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, Pop


Side 1

Track Name
You Look Good In Denim
Anniversary Waltz
Someday Soon
Comin' to a Party
Make It All Worthwhile

Side 2

Track Name
Touch of Magic
Comin' On Home
Lady of the Night
Take a Look at Life
Friends and Brothers


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Leroy, James with Denim - ST

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Leroy, James with Denim - ST

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James Leroy: vocals, piano, organ, acoustic guitar
David Oslund: lead guitar
Gary Comeau: pedal steel guitar
Chuck Bergeron: bass
Gibby LaCasse: drums
Valerie Tuck: harmony vocals

Recorded at Manta Sound, Toronto, Ontario


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