Jack kingston   springhill mine explosion front


Kingston, Jack - Springhill Mine Explosion

Format: LP
Label: Birchmount BM 578
Year: 1971
Origin: St. Catharines, Ontario - Hamilton, Ontario
Genre: folk, country
Keyword:  Noronic Disaster, Springhill Mine Disaster, Marilyn Bell
Value of Original Title: $40.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, 1970's, Birchmount Records, Folk


Side 1

Track Name
Noronic Disaster
Blue Canadian Rockies
How Far is She Now?
Maple Sugar Sweetheart
Yodelling Cowboy

Side 2

Track Name
Springhill Mine Explosion
Miracle of Colliery Two
Prince Edward Island
Isle of Newfoundland
Nova Scotia Home


Jack kingston   springhill mine explosion back

Jack Kingston - Springhill Mine Explosion BACK

Jack kingston   springhill mine explosion front

Springhill Mine Explosion


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