We recorded this one in an afternoon at Little Mountain Sound with Ron Obvious. So recorded after the EP and Six Friends. Recorded in 4 hours, 2 hours of which was me trying to get the guitar solo down. Ron was sooooo good to us.
I wrote Someone to show I could write a jangly song like The Grapes of Wrath. I considered the Grapes as our competition, or measuring stick at the time. Musically they were Rubber Soul i to our Beatles’ Revolver Beatles influenced song writing. So much for that! The intro guitar picking part was one of the first things I ever wrote on guitar, and then I added some open suspended chords (same trick on Kaleidoscopes). I used Roxanne’s Dad’s acoustic guitar for this song. The song was a metaphor for love. So completely fictional. I believe Ron Obvious remixed this for release, though I must admit my memory is not as good as it used to be, though I must admit my memory is not as... sorry, where were we? My memory is not as good as it used to be but I think Ron Obvious remixed this for the single and the video. I mentioned Grapes of Wrath as a jangly influence on this one, but I was in to Dream Academy’s Life In a Northern Town as well. I don’t think this sounds anything like that though, particularly if you are a music lawyer reading this.
Roxy Roller was always a crowd favorite and we loved playing some guilty pleasures from the 70’s like this one, This Flight Tonight, You Could Have Been A Lady, Immigrant Song etc. I was a huge Sweet fan, and a big Sweeney Todd and Nick Gilder fan. Classic song. Recorded at Little Mountain Sound in an afternoon with Ron Obvious, Ron was able to track down original Sweeney Todd and Nick Gilder guitarist Jimmy McCullock’s amp for this session so I got to use that to try replicate his great guitar sound. Gord had previously purchased Budd Marr, Sweeney Todd bassist’s bass guitar, a Rickenbacker, however he didn’t use it on this recording. We went for a live off the floor sound. Chris Taylor of Rock and Hyde was just starting as an engineer at Little Mountain, we ended up bringing him it to do some tom fill overdubs. I remember thinking, why couldn’t we do a whole album this quickly.
-Stephen Quinn
Steve Quinn: guitar
Roxanne Heichert: vocals
Gord Badanic: bass, piano
Special Thanks To:
Ian Noble: drums
Greg Reely: additional percussion
Jay Homenchuk: backing vocals
Produced by Go Four 3 and Ron Obvious
Recorded at Little Mountain Sound, Vancouver, British Columbia
Cover photos by Brian Lynch
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