R 4461226 1365516220 7981


Fist - In the Red

Format: LP
Label: A&M 9089
Year: 1983
Origin: Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock hard
Value of Original Title: $20.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  https://badreputation.fr/epages/box28314.sf/en_CA/?ObjectID=74921082
Playlist: Ontario, Rock Room, 1980's


Side 1

Track Name
When I'm Bad I'm Better
Crazy On You
It Ain't Good
Undercover Lover
If I'm Not Loved

Side 2

Track Name
Over the Line
Street Fighting Heroes
Day by Day
Gimme Love
Dirty Girl
New York City


R 4461226 1365516249 4987

Fist - In the Red

R 4461226 1365516220 7981

In the Red


No Video


Canadian hard rockers FIST were formed in 1979 by guitarist/vocalist Ron Chenier. In the same year, the band released their debut "Round One" on a small indie label. The combo was subsequently signed to major label A&M Records, but there was a band of the same name in England at almost the same time. Therefore, the Canadians had to release their albums under the name MYOFIST from that point on. The fourth album "In The Red", released in 1983, is one of the highlights of the Canadian rock scene - something WRABIT paired with DEEP PURPLE, DIO & WHITESNAKE.

Engineered and produced by world renowned producer Nick Blagona. Blagona produced numerous projects with artists such as Deep Purple, Rush, etc. In the Red was released worldwide in February of 1983. The single, “If I’m Not Loved”, generated enormous airplay in North America.

Remastered on Bad Reputation in 2022. Buy it here: https://badreputation.fr/epages/box28314.sf/en_CA/?ObjectID=74921082


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