A dream, and in the dream a challenge to help find a cure for the genetic disorder of Cystic Fibrosis. My name is Kevin Denbok. Born and raised in the small tourist town of Collingwood, Ontario, I made my first public appearance at age seven. At thirteen, I received my first guitar and wrote my first song. At fifteen, in the winter of 1980, I met a Kinsman by the name of Art Frewin who had a great interest in Cystic Fibrosis and was a true Kin.
Now, two years later, I am working side by side with the Kinsmen and Kinettes in a dream to find the cure for Cystic Fibrosis. The song "People Like You", was written and composed for the Kinsmen.
the people who believe in the dream. All profits from this album will go to Cystic Fibrosis in the hope that it will make life a little easier for all the thousands of children afflicted with this disease.
If this album has helped anyone, in any way, to see a brighter future, it has all been worthwhile.
Kevin Denbok: vocals
High Schools of Stoney Creek: Salrfleet; Orchard Park; Cardinal Newman; Winona
Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Kinsmen Club of Stoney Creek
Kinette Club of Flamborough
And the Association of Kinemen Clubs of Canada
Produced and Arranged by Russ Little
Cover by Pauline Hoeflaak
Engineered by Peter Houston
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