Wes dakus   the wes dakus album with the rebels front


Dakus, Wes & the Club 93 Rebels - The Wes Dakus Album with the Rebels

Format: LP
Label: Capitol T 6120
Year: 1965
Origin: Edmonton, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock and roll, surf
Value of Original Title: $200.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Surfing the 49th Parallel, Alberta, Rockabilly & Early Cdn R&R, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
So Fine
Twine Time
Rolling Rock

Side 2

Track Name
Come On Down
Night Walk
Fried Rice
Do-Wah-Diddy Diddy


Wes dakus   the wes dakus album with the rebels back

Wes Dakus - The Wes Dakus Album with the Rebels BACK

Wes dakus   the wes dakus album with the rebels front

The Wes Dakus Album with the Rebels


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Meet Wes Dakus and his swinging group, The Rebels, with their debut Capitol album!

Wes was born in Edmonton, Alberta. He is 5 feet 11, weighs 170 lbs. and has brown hair and blue eyes. He formed his own group in 1960 and has steadily built up a solid reputation in Western Canada — the high spot of the group’s career was in 1964 — when they were voted “TOP INSTRUMENTAL GROUP” in Canada in a National survey. Wes and The Rebels joined Capitol Records of Canada early this year and the association has turned out to be a happy one with the group continually coming up with hit records. They are all included on this album, along with other well-known items that show the versatility of the group. We know Wes Dakus will soon be a well-known name from coast to coast in Canada as he and his group appear in more concerts and on the major TV shows.

Wes Dakus: electric bass, vocals
Barry Allen: vocals, guitar
Stu Mitchell: drums, vocals
Bob Clarke: guitar, vocals
Dennis Paul: six-string bass, vocals


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