Ted daigle   color me country front


Daigle, Ted - Color Me Country

Format: LP
Label: RCA Camden CAL 2261
Year: 1968
Origin: Jacquet River, New Brunswick - Fort William, Ontario, 🇨🇦
Genre: country
Value of Original Title: $35.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: New Brunswick, Country & Western, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
Bitter Tears
Just a Girl I Used to Know
Family Bible
Tiny Bubbles
Turn Turn Turn

Side 2

Track Name
September Memories
Labrador Retriever
Forty Shades of Green
Pictures From Life's Other Side
Not Enough to Go Around


Ted daigle   color me country back

Ted Daigle - Color Me Country BACK

Ted daigle   color me country front

Color Me Country


No Video


To Whom It May Concern (if anybody)
Re: Ted Daigle

Mr. Daigle has been employed for some time in the broadcasting industry, encompassing most facets, and during this time he has been found, generally speaking, to be punctual, honest, sober, trustworthy, and of the highest integrity. In view of the foregoing experience, we have no hesitation in recommending him for employment in a similar capacity, BUT, he insists on singing, against the advice of his peers (so the above is null and void).

In spite of this, whenever Ted performs, it seems that there is a "standing room only" condition, but this is mainly due to a lack of furniture.

In a more serious vein, we can honestly say that his ability to communicate with his audience has made him one of Canada's outstanding country personalities, combining some of the talents of Roger Miller, Jim Reeves, Johnny Cash, and others, but always distinctly "The Big Daddy" as he is called by his many affectionate fans.

It is always a rewarding experience to spend an evening with Ted. If you have not yet had this pleasure, this album will give you an insight.
-Wm. Lee, CKOY Radio, Ottawa

Probable musicians:
Ted Daigle: vocals, guitar​
Gil Glazier: lead guitar​
Byron Stever: drums​
Rheo Pilon: bass guitar​
Al Gain: steel guitar


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