Ches cooper   the haven of rest front


Cooper, Ches and the Coridors - The Haven of Rest: A Collection of Favorite Hymns

Format: LP
Label: Rodeo RLP 24
Year: 1957
Origin: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 🇨🇦
Genre: folk, country, spiritual, religious
Value of Original Title: $200.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Spiritual, Nova Scotia, Country & Western, 1950's, Prince Edward Island


Side 1

Track Name
The Haven of Rest
Will Your Anchor Hold
One Step More
The Weary Stranger
I'll be Listening for My Name
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

Side 2

Track Name
Life's Railway to Heaven
The Model Church
That Beautiful Home
When I Take My Vacation in Heaven
Just a Little Talk With Jesus


Ches cooper   the haven of rest back

Ches Cooper - The Haven of Rest BACK

Ches cooper   the haven of rest front

The Haven of Rest: A Collection of Favorite Hymns


No Video


Ches Cooper was born in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia and moved to Prince Edward Island at the age of 4, when his parents returned to their island home.

Ches attended Murray Harbour School and Prince of Wales College and then taught in public schools in P.E.I. for 4 1/2 years. Following this he joined the Federal Dept. of Fisheries, Fish Culture Branch and worked at the Trout and Salmon Hatcheries in P.E.I. and New Brunswick.

In 1947 Ches joined the announcing and operating staff of Radio C.F.C.Y., Charlottetown and has his own program on C.F.C.Y. five mornings per week, sponsored by the Ralston Purina Co. Ches also has a quarter-hour weekly T.V. show, "CHES COOPER TIME", over Channel 13.

Hymn singing has always been a part of his musical career, not only on the air but in church. Ches is at present Elder of Trinity United Church, Charlottetown and a past President of the Man of Trinity Organization of the same church.

He is married to the former Reta Buell of Murray River and has three children, one girl, Patsy, and two boys, Barry and Cyril.


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