Canadian cultural worker's committee   the party is the most precious thing front


Canadian Communists - The Party is the Most Precious Thing and other Canadian Revolutionary Songs

Format: LP
Label: Canadian Communist League CCL 33-129
Year: 1978
Genre: Spoken Word Politics
Keyword:  politics, Communist Party of Canada, Communism, Marxiste-Lenniniste
Value of Original Title: $75.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Politics, Canadian Oddities


Side 1

Track Name
Here is the Rose - Now Dance!
Song of the Third Congress
Inevitable Struggle has Broken Out!
Oh Albania, Red Star that Burns Bright
Workers of All Countries, Unite!

Side 2

Track Name
Salute to CYUC (M-L)
Arise Proletarians!
Death to the Traitors
Levesque Doesn't Wear His Specs
The Party is the Most Precious Thing


Canadian cultural worker's committee   the party is the most precious thing back

Canadian Cultural Worker's Committee - The Party is the Most Precious Thing BACK

Canadian cultural worker's committee   the party is the most precious thing label 01

Canadian Cultural Worker's Committee - The Party is the Most Precious Thing LABEL 01

Canadian cultural worker's committee   the party is the most precious thing label 02

Canadian Cultural Worker's Committee - The Party is the Most Precious Thing LABEL 02

Canadian cultural worker's committee   the party is the most precious thing front

The Party is the Most Precious Thing and other Canadian Revolutionary Songs


No Video


This album is represented here for historical purposes only.


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