Gabrielle bugeaud 002002

Bugeaud, Gabrielle

Websites:  No
Origin: Falher, Alberta - Montréal, Québec - Edmonton, Alberta, 🇨🇦

Gabrielle Jeanette Marie Bugeaud, a.k.a Gabrielle Bujold, is a singer, musician, actress, and TV show host. Gabrielle was born on August 2nd, 1952 in Falher, Alberta. She started performing at the age of 11 as a solo vocalist in the school choir at l’Académie Assomption, a Catholic French language all-girls high school in Edmonton, Alberta, where she also learned to play the piano. Her mother encouraged her to sing and study piano while her father supported her academic route and studies in French.

Bujold spent most of her teenage years performing on stage in various French language plays and touring nightclubs with established bands such as, The Brinkman Brothers, Déjà-Vu, and the George Blondheim Band. In 1974, Déjà-Vu gained momentum by performing in the Alberta Pavillion at the Spokane World’s Fair, with a return performance on the International Stage. This opportunity also lead to her obtaining the financing for her first studio solo recording.

In 1976, Gabrielle recorded Positively Gabrielle at Sundown Recorders in Edmonton. The album was produced by Maurice Fritze and arranged by George Blondheim. Session musicians were: Tom Doran, Trevor Dunn, Brian Newcombe, P.J. Perry, Jim Tait, Barry Allen, Dennis Ferbey, Don Aubin, Susan Gilmour, Duncan Meiklejohn and Glenn Bladon.

With the release of Positively Gabrielle, Bujold quickly secured a weekly television music show on CFRN called, Love Gabi. The show was produced and directed by CFRN’s Fred Vos with George Blondheim as musical director. A new band was also formed with Gabrielle and booked on a western Canadian promotional tour plus the first of many Canadian Armed Forces tours to the Middle East.

1976 was also the year that Gabi met and married David Geldert, constable with the Edmonton City Police. They had their first son, Michael Warren the next year. Credited with creating a bridge of communication for French and English performers, Gabrielle was asked to host the CBC national television series in 1978, Canadian Express. Working with veteran conductor and musician Tommy Banks as musical director, the program received national acclaim.The Canadian Express national variety show was followed up with a tour across rural Alberta with The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and special guests, Colin McLean and P.J. Perry.

In 1979, Gabrielle gave birth to her daughter, Danielle, and two years later, a baby boy named Luke. In the fall of 1985, following the tragic death of her husband, Gabrielle reconnected with producer Maurice Fritze and embarked on a military tour to Alert Bay, NWT. This was the first of 2 tours in the Northwest Territories. Gabrielle has stated that, although grief-stricken with the death of her husband, it became a turning point in her career.

In 1986, Gabrielle teamed up with Edmonton producer Adrian Chornowol and engineer Rob Hewes to produce her second studio album, Seule à Rêver. With special guest appearances by ‘superstar’, Alain Caron of Uzeb and Ingrid Stitt, Seule à Rêver* marked a significant rise in Gabi’s career. In 1989, Bujold signed a record deal with ISBA Records with distribution by Select records. Seule à Rêver was released in 1990. The album was nominated in three categories at l’Adisq and it was during that time that Gabrielle left Alberta to begin her career in Quebec.

Gabrielle is the first Alberta artist to chart a number one single on the Quebec Billboard. The album was followed up with three top ten singles: C'est Bien Toi, Private & Confidential, and Benjamen. The early 1990’s saw Gabrielle appearing on numerous Quebec television shows and performance in Europe and the Middle East. Throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s Gabrielle toured across Canada with Tommy Banks and P.J. Perry for the Canadian Philharmonic and Symphony Orchestras Concert series.

From the years 2000 to 2003, Gabrielle continued to make regular appearances, hosting numerous telethons and fundraisers for the Montreal Children’s Hospital and La Maison Grise de Montreal. In 2004, she decided to leave the touring circuit and switch artistic umbrellas to a new career painting large murals. In 2012, Gabrielle left Montreal to return to her home in Alberta.

Gabrielle Jeanette Marie Bugeaud (née le 2 aoû 1952) es tune artiste chanteuse Canadienne, comédien et animateur de télévision. Bien qu’elle soit née et grandi dans le nord de l’Alberta, Gabrielle a passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière au Québec. Elle a commence sa carrière dans les années 1960 en tant que chanteuse dans des groups de rock locaux avant de lancer son propre groupe, Dèja-Vu en 1969.

Après plusieurs années de tournées et de concerts dans des boites de nuit à travers les provinces de l’Quest, le spectacle de Gabrielle à l’exposition universelle de Spokane en 1974 a permis au groupe de se produite sur la scène international de l’exposition universelle et d’obtenir un financement. Pour son premier enregistrement solo en studio: Positively Gabrielle in 1976.

Peu de temps après, Gabrielle s’assure rapidement une émission de variétés hebdomadaire intitulée Love Gabi, produite par Fred Vos, de CFRN. À la fin de années 70, Gabrielle a à son actif plusieurs tournées militaires à l’étranger. En 1978, elle a été invitée à animer une série télévisée nationale de CBC intitulée, Canadian Express.

Reconnue pour avoir constitué un pont de communication pour les interprètes français et anglais, Gabrielle a travaillé régulièrement avec le chef d’orchestre et musicien Tommy Banks. L’Émission Canadian Express a reçu plusieurs éloges.

Gabrielle a déclaré que sa vie privée dans les années 80, bien que chagrinée par la mort tragique de son mari, avait marqué un tournant dans sa carrière. En 1990, Gabrielle fait équipe avec le musicien et producteur Adrian Chornowol et crée son deuxième album: mémoire d’une vie bien remplie, Seule à Rêver. L’album a été nominé dans trois catégorie à l’Adisq et a remporté le premier prix la catégorie ‘pop’.

Gabrielle est la première artiste francophone de l’Alberta à se classer parmi les meilleures chansons du Billboard Québécois français en grimpant au premier rang des palmarès.



Gabrielle bugeaud 002002

Bugeaud, Gabrielle


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