Broken Rule
Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Poetic songwriting is one of the few magickal sciences that has retained its basic elements. Music, poetry, and magick are inseparable. They are tools to bridge the energies of imaginative worlds and the realities of day-to-day life. The modern musician-poet-magician must learn to use all these aspects. It is not enough just to turn a catchy riff or phrase: Every aspect of the song must be imbued with greater significance from the notes and words chosen to their arrangement and overall form. Channeled songs are not inherently magickal. They are made magickal by the way we create them and by the elements used in the creation process.
The potential to be a bardic healer lies within us all. It requires a new look at ourselves and our world, and it demands a new sense of responsibility. The bardic tradition is about new perceptions and the responsibility for our lives and all those lives we touch. It is within our own hearts that we hold our heaven and hell or all that we can imagine and behold.
Albert Einstein said: "The formulation of the question is far more important than the answer." How we look at a relationship and the kinds of questions we ask of it are of critical importance. A relationship that nurtures the unfolding of ourselves and others is perhaps the greatest path for creativity and personal growth. A relationship is fluid and evolving. It needs maintenance and guidance. To stay current with the ebb and flow of a relationship means being able to see this interaction from different viewpoints.
Every relationship is a two-way mirror. As musicians-poets-magicians we use symbols to build that mirror. Our process transforms the symbolic system of music, poetry, and magick into an interactive dialogue. Through this exchange, we clarify our uniqueness, our strength, and our weakness. Songwriting is used here as a way of communicating, which is the heart and soul of any relationship.
The songs that follow are not meant to be a panacea for every life difficulty. Neither should they be taken as prescriptions: They are guidelines born out of experience. Each of us must form, then reshape, and re-synthesize them into a method that works for us as individuals. Learning to create songs is a life task. It is not something to be dabbled in, for it works intimately with the creative longing behind all aspects of the Universe.
Writing a song walks the razor's edge of chaos into a higher and more dynamic expression of life. As we learn to light our words and notes with force and magick, our entire essence is touched by those same fires. And that is when the adventure and joy of life begin to unfold. That is when we become...
Marius Luca: lead vocals, bass, acoustic guitar, percussion
Marius had a successful career as a performer, songwriter, and producer in his homeland, Rumania, in Eastern Europe. For five years, his music swept the country with records, concerts, radio, and TV appearances. He released four albums and several singles which flew up to No. 1 on all the Rumanian music charts, making him one of the country’s most popular rock stars.
In 1982, he came to Canada, attended the Trebas Institute of Recording Arts, and graduated with a master’s degree in record producing, management, and sound engineering. His tasty lines, powerful lead vocals, and strong stamina enhance the overall performance of the band. The intimate familiarity with which he frets and plucks his bass guitar is the same familiarity with which a Tibetan monk fingers his prayer beads as he repeats his mantra.
Shawn Haines: electric guitar, acoustic guitar, vocals
Shawn is one of those rare musicians who have achieved the delicate balance between power and subtlety in his playing, always putting his own personal touch to the band. He has had some formal music training but would agree that the major part of his learning has come through life experience, his interaction with other musicians, and exposure to their musical art.
Using electric stringed instruments, he brings through his bent notes and string oscillations a sense of mystic melodies designed to entrance and delight. His formal training and experience combine to provide a solid rhythm with the flash that has become a natural ingredient for the band.
Phil “Dr. Philgood” Clark: drums, percussion, vocals
Phil studied privately with music teachers from Concordia University who taught him metronome rituals to attain rhythmic independence. He is an experienced musician in both the recording and performing aspects of the music scene. His credentials include performances and recordings with some of the best Montreal artists.
His creative yet somewhat unconventional approach has quickly made him a valuable contributor to the group’s overall sound. His dynamic character, pulsating rhythms, and intense attack make him the driving force behind this fine-tuned unit.