Golden towers %28ricky   debbie%29   toronto is beautiful %282%29

Gouveia, Francisco and Jaime Aparicio

Websites:  No
Origin: Portugal - Toronto, Ontario, 🇨🇦

Francisco Gouveia and Jaime Aparicio are immigrants from Portugal. They are loved by the Portuguese Community through their Music and Lyrics. They have lived in Toronto ever since they came to Canada and are in love with this beautiful city. The inspiration for the song "Toronto is Beautiful" came with completion of the tower, which they feel has given great beauty to Toronto.

Francisco Gouveia: accordeon
Jaime Aparicio
Ricky and Debbie: vocals

Composed by Francisco Gouveia and Jaime Aparicio

Produced and arranged by Art Snider
Recorded at Sound Canada, Don Mills, Ontario



Golden towers %28ricky   debbie%29   toronto is beautiful %282%29

Gouveia, Francisco and Jaime Aparicio


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