Trio sourire squared for mocm

Trio Sourire

Websites:  No
Origin: Fugèreville in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec

Vocal and instrumental trio from Fugèreville in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Quebec, Canada), their parents, Rémi and Jeanne d'Arc Simard, were musicians and performed in the region. The family moved to Laval following the death of their father. It was there that, around 1963-64, they became known as "Le Trio Sourire".

Early 1970, Carole Simard began a solo career under the name Nada.

First Manager / Impresario: Elzéar Duquette
Second Manager / Impresario: Tony Caticchio



Trio sourire squared for mocm

Trio Sourire


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