Written by Roy Payne, except 'Fishin' Town' by Larry Keough
Thanks to Charlie Crocker & Steve Smith
Special thanks to Theresa Keough "This One's For You"
Dedicated to the Memory of Dumas
She's a mighty big river, The Humber, my friend
When she's wild she's the devil, when she's calm she's a friend
And when the silvers are running and I'm there all alone
She's the last of the reasons I keep going home
I sit in the darkness just below the big falls
And I stare at the heavens and I talk to my god
I put my hand in her waters, she cleanses my soul
She's the last of the reasons I keep going home
I left home a gypsy and I seen it all
The good and the bad, the short and the tall
Money can't buy me but the big falls I know
Is the last of the reasons I keep going home
When I'm somewhere or nowhere I dream of the falls
Where I fished from her waters with my friend Smokey Ball
I don't have to tell him, when he sees me he knows
She's the last of the reasons I keep going home
When I die toss my ashes on the waters I love
Where I fished for the silvers and talked to my god
Let the roar of the big falls speak out in my soul
She's the last of the reasons I keep going home
I left home a gypsy and I seen it all
The good and the bad, the short and the tall
Money can't buy me but the big falls I know
Is the last of the reasons I keep going home
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