Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass front


Owchar, Al & Rob Osberg - Wild Fescue Grass: The Early History of the Bar U Ranch

Format: CDR
Label: Owch Records
Year: 2005
Origin: Drumheller - Rocky Mountain House - Calgary, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: country, cowboy, cowboy poetry
Keyword:  Bar U Ranch
Value of Original Title: $25.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Singin' Canadian Cowboys And Cowgals, Canadian Places, Alberta, Country & Western, 2000's


Track Name
A Bar U Reunion
Bar U Ghosts
Tom Lynch
I Ride an Old Paint
Fred Stimson
Punching Dough
John Ware
The Last Roundup & Settle Down
The More We Get Together
Tyin' a Knot in the Devil's Tail
And the Meadowlark Song
Come Ride With Me
Sundance Kid
Old Timer
The Bar U


Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass back

CD-Rob Osberg & Al Owchar - Wild Fescue Grass BACK

Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass inlay

CD-Rob Osberg & Al Owchar - Wild Fescue Grass INLAY

Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass inside

CD-Rob Osberg & Al Owchar - Wild Fescue Grass INSIDE

Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass cd

CD-Rob Osberg & Al Owchar - Wild Fescue Grass CD

Cd rob osberg   al owchar   wild fescue grass front

Wild Fescue Grass: The Early History of the Bar U Ranch


No Video


Al Owchar: guitar, mandolin, bass, harmonica, vocals
Tim Griffin: dobro

Written by Rob Osberg
Songs arranged and sung by Al Owchar
Poetry and narration by Rob Osberg
Recording and engineering by Roger Steinke

Artwork by Don Brestler
Graphic design by Pat Allen and Rob Osberg

For copies of this CD:
Al Owchar: 403-255-5027
Rob Osberg: 403-949-2162


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