Cd phat al summa skool front


Phatt Al - The Summa Skool EP

Format: CDR
Label: New Empire NECD002
Year: 2003
Origin: Toronto, Ontario
Genre: hip-hop
Value of Original Title: $75.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Ontario, Beautiful Black Canadians, Hip-Hop Rap Room, 2000's


Track Name
Intro: WFUNK
Summa Skool
Who Is Phatt Al?
Everybody's Got One (Xtended) Ftg Ivana Santilli
Starvin' Artist's
Once Upon a Remix Ftg Kayte Burgess
Just a Phreak (Special)
Fuck Thomas
Crouching Tiger
What's Next?!?
Transistor Soon Come!!!


Cd phat al summa skool jewel back

CD-Phat Al-Summa Skool JEWEL BACK

Cd phat al summa skool cd

CD-Phat Al-Summa Skool CD

Cd phat al summa skool back

CD-Phat Al-Summa Skool BACK

Cd phat al summa skool front

The Summa Skool EP


No Video


Local hiphop underground stalwart PHATT al's consistency is impressive. The MC's broken-down flow and inward-looking rhymes aren't likely to break him wide open to the mainstream market, but the guy's been a constant on Toronto's subterranean scene for years. Summa Skool is more high-drama hiphop, with PHATT al replacing the live-band-inspired energy of his shows with more straightforward studio beats. The soul-inspired collaborations with Kayte Burgess and Ivana Santilli work best, straddling the chasm between underground hiphop and pure pop.
-Matt Galloway, NOW Magazine Online Edition


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