This album was originally released on double cassette in 1996. It's a compilation album of songs recorded between 1992 and 1996. Lyrics of a few of the songs were written in the 80s.
Some songs from the original cassettes have been dropped here. A few - "Kiss My Ass" and the Wildlife trilogy have been previously uploaded.
A song called "F****n' Chicks, Huh?" has been dropped because it stinks. When the song was written (1991, I think), I thought I was clever. I was attempting to take the piss out of the jugheads I lived with in residence in my second year of university. In particular, I didn't like the way they talked about women. But my execution of the song was poor and listening to it now, I just come across as a dick. In making fun of those guys, I just sound like one of them. I failed to make the point I wanted to make. I hereby repudiate that song.
I have also added a bunch of stuff that doesn't appear on the cassettes but was recorded during the same period.
Notes on some of the other songs from this album are included in their descriptions.
Apparently, I was tone deaf when I made many of these beats. So be warned, the dissonance may make your ears bleed.
Released June 6, 1996
Beats, cuts, rhymes by Buck 65.
"Boogyin' Frenzy" features Mackenzie of Hip Club Groove
"Shout It Out" features Jay O. Smooth
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